Health and Social Care Committee


Consultation on terms of reference for inquiry into residential care for older people


RC10 ToR – Monmouthshire County Council


Dear Sir



Monmouthshire County Council welcomes the inquiry into residential care for older people and look forward to receiving the findings.


Please find below comments regarding the Terms of Reference for  The National Assembly for Wales’s Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into residential care for older people.


1)   Definition of ‘residential’ needs clarifying. Will the inquiry investigate whether routes to entry for nursing or residential are different depending on a persons need and ability to pay, and how does this affect a person’s ability to choose.

2)   Could the terms of reference include an investigation into whether there is a wide difference in care and support in care homes for older people for self funders compared to local authority placements?

3)   Can the scope of the inquiry include benefits/disadvantages to a residential home to staying in a person’s own home. What makes someone choose a care home over staying where they’ve always lived?

4)   The changing face of care home provision should also be considered. Are homes in Wales fit for purpose for the next 20/30 years? What do new developments (last ten years) look like and are they models of care older people aspire to live in.


Kind regards


Jo Green

Joint Commissioning Manager

Monmouthshire County Council